Tax season is upon us. We landlords will soon be totaling our expenses and calculating depreciation. Before that however, the IRS requires us to send out Form 1099. Who should receive this form? Do I have to send my plumber a 1099?
What Is Form 1099?
Form 1099 is used to report the amounts paid to contractors and others for services rendered to our landlording business over the past tax year. It is a fairly simple form, listing the taxpayer receiving the payment, their tax ID number and the amount they were paid. Copies are sent to the taxpayer and the IRS. One copy should be retained by you.
Why Are 1099’s Necessary?
The IRS basically has all of us as a part of their compliance team. By requiring us to fill out and send these forms, the IRS is able to compare income claimed by the taxpayer with the amounts others claimed to have paid them. If there is any large discrepancy, the IRS can investigate the taxpayer further.
Do I Have To Send My Plumber A 1099?
A Form 1099 is required to be sent to almost anyone who received $600 or more in compensation over the past tax year. This compensation includes almost everything, from regular pay, to parts and gifts. Thus, if your plumber did over $600 worth of repairs for you, which really does not take much to hit, then yes, you have to send them a Form 1099.
And it is not just plumbers, but almost everyone you did over $600 worth of business with. This includes both contractors and other professionals such as attorney’s and accountants (The IRS does not trust anyone!). One exemption is if the taxpayer was employed through a “C” or “S” corporation. But most folks work for themselves or perhaps through an LLC, thus a 1099 is required.
It Is Not As Easy As It Should Be
If needed, Form 1099 is required to be sent by January 31 so there is just a little bit of time left. However, you should know that you cannot just download the forms off of the IRS website. You have to purchase special forms that can be scanned by the IRS computer system. I have no idea why, I suppose the IRS computer system is a bit dated.
If you need to order Form 1099, you can do so here. Hurry however, time is running out. Not only can you can be fined $50 per form, but your contractor may be relying on their tax refund, which they cannot get until they have all of their 1099’s.
Kevin Perk is the founder and publisher of Smarterlandlording.com. He is the author of Advice From Experience To New Real Estate Investors. Subscribe to Smarterlandlording here. Contact Kevin here.