I have always said that smarter landlords have to be very familiar with their state and local landlord laws as they can vary widely from place to place. As an example, check out this article about the landlord laws in Arkansas.
It is amazing that someplace just over five miles away can be so radically different from what we deal with here in Tennessee. Give it a read. I think some of you in more restrictive parts of the country will be fascinated.
Rent reforms
Arkansas’s landlord tenant laws work well for honest landlords, too well for slumlords, and they don’t work at all for honest tenants.
Arkansas’s landlord tenant laws work well for honest landlords, too well for slumlords, and they don’t work at all for honest tenants. Disputes between landlords and tenants are inevitable, and Arkansas needs laws that capture the worst players on both sides without abandoning good tenants or overburdening good landlords. The goal should be fixing the stark lack of legal balance that heavily favors landlords. Arkansas is the only state where not paying rent on time can land you in jail, and the only state where landlords are not required to uphold basic living standards of their properties.
Read the rest of the article here.
We own and operate a property management company in Redding, CA. The laws here are super crazy. Tenants have much more latitude than the landlord. Strage that tenant laws are so different from state to state.